
Website of poet Elizabeth Rimmer


On Sunday we were at the Dungavel Solidarity Gathering for Mothers’ Day. It was cold. It is always cold there. There were more protesters than policemen this time, including two MSPs from the Scottish Nationalist Party. They can’t close it down, much as they’d like to; they can’t even get answers to their questions, because the whole thing is reserved to Westminster, and Westminster won’t say anything.

So here I am, reading Visit Scotland outside the gate. I read Theresa Munoz’s poem Settlement as well. This poem describes the process of getting permanent residency status, and though Theresa was successful, it completely evokes the soulless process of exposing your lives to strangers who will pronounce judgement on whether you can stay or not.

I guess we will be back again on the nearest Sunday to St Andrew’s day, and next time I promise to have learned the words to Hamish Henderson’s Freedom Comeallye so the Eurydice Choir don’t have to do it all on their own.






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