
Website of poet Elizabeth Rimmer


Some time ago at an event known as Junk Jam, I met a young singer-songwriter called Neil Stewart. He was very kind about my poetry, and talked about interviewing me for a podcast.

Some time passed. Neil is a prolific song-writer, and has been busy recording his own music, producing work for other artists, designing artwork for his own albums, writing plays and interviewing people. So it is only now that I can share the podcast we made in Corrieri’s cafe one wet Wednesday morning. Here it is.

Neil is also responsible for the new photo on my home page. It’s rare that anyone ever gets a photo of me that doesn’t look as if I’m in front of a firing squad, so I was really pleased to have it! You can hear more of Neil’s work here: https://soundcloud.com/endofneil

The site includes not only samples of his own music, but an interview with a mutual friend, the poet Richie McCaffery, whose impressive first collection Cairn will be published by Nine Arches Press later this year. An interview well worth listening to!






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