
Website of poet Elizabeth Rimmer

A Little Bit of Callander Loveliness

These photos were all taken by my husband Paul Rimmer, but they have only just become available to me (though some people will have already seen some of them on facebook). This is the lineup (from the front) – me, Sheila Wakefield, Anne Connolly and Chris Powici.


Anne Connolly reading from A Ravel of Yarns
Sheila Wakefield doing the introductions
Chris Powici reading from This Weight of Light
Kevin Cadwallender introducing Coogate Bairns
Sheila Templeton reading from Coogate Bairns by Sandie Craigie

I’ve had some very kind feedback about The Territory of Rain, which has been lovely. You can now buy it from the publisher Red Squirrel Press, or from me via this site (send an email). I’ll be reading from it, in Sheffield, on 10th November. The event, organised by Cora Greenhill, is called Writers in the Bath, and I’ll put up more details nearer the date.






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