
Website of poet Elizabeth Rimmer

A New Website

This is the original of the new website home page – a picture of my stockbed in July 2015. My lovely web designer, Naomi Rimmer, and I thought we should have a new look for the new book. Have a look around! It’s simpler in some ways, and there’s a shop page for buying books, which I hope will be easier to manage. When I have my head round it, I may add some free pdf. downloads, too, but the ones I used to have up needed a bit of editing and a makeover, and I think I will be taking some time to think about prose writing over the summer, as well as colour poems, ark poems and a lot of editing commitments.

In the meantime, Haggards is getting its formal launch tomorrow, 10th February at the Scottish Poetry Library in Edinburgh at one o’clock. I hope to see many of you there.

a batch of cookies






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