
Website of poet Elizabeth Rimmer

A Ragbag Post

This is a picture from some time last year. I’ve been a bit preoccupied this week with three family members in hospital – though fortunately two of them are home and thriving now. But I didn’t want to miss a week.

I’ve been looking again at Old English healing texts, and I hope there will be a post about them before too long. In particular, I’m translating the  charm for taking a swarm of bees. The literal translation for a queen bee is apparently ‘battle-wifie’. Let me tell you, I’m feeling like a battle wifie myself this week.

And a quick reminder – Charlie Gracie is launching his first novel To Live With What You Are at Stirling Library Corn Exchange Place Stirling next wednesday at 6.30. I’m halfway through it, and the writing is beautiful. There’s a nightmare sequence about ‘the witch-mammies’ that I remember him bringing to a Stirling Writers workshop years ago – it’s even more creepy in context!

I will also be reading from Haggards. You can get (free) tickets here.

Do come. It’s going to be a great night!






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