
Website of poet Elizabeth Rimmer

And Then, This Happened

Thanks to Colin Waters of Vagabond Voices and the Scottish Poetry Library, this poem appeared in The Scotsman this weekend.

I’m always surprised at the poems that attract attention. I had the phrase ‘a kist of light’ haunting me for about ten years before I found a poem to put it in, and right up until I sent the MS out for review, I wasn’t sure how much anyone would like it. And yet, this poem, and one called Schoolish, are the ones people quote or ask for, which makes me very happy.

A couple of people have asked where they can buy the book – you can bet I’ll have copies for sale wherever I am, but you can also Get it via the website of Red Squirrel Press who don’t charge postage, or from my shop (neither do I) if you want a signed copy. I have set up Paypal to make it easier, and I’m just about to create a page where you can find out what you are buying!

I can also reveal that you can buy Wherever We Live Now and The Territory of Rain on Amazon, if that’s what you do, and I would be very grateful for reviews, if you have the time! Thank you!






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