
Website of poet Elizabeth Rimmer

Artists of the Week – Nat Hall and Pat Morrissey

Before I wind up the Lúcháir site altogether, I want to share some of the artists who have made working on it so inspiring.The first is someone who needs no introduction to most of the people who visit here. Nat Hall writes the Nordic Blackbird blog and her sensitivity to the weather and landscape of her home in Shetland and her wonderful photographs are a constant delight.

The second is someone quite new to me.This time last year I took a lot of photos “walking the territory”, and put some of them up here – the banner I’m using now is one of them, and I’m still quite pleased with them. But on Saturday I shared a table with  Pat Morrissey at our local Fair Trade and crafts coffee morning. He was selling beautiful cards made from photographs he took in our local gardens and on roadsides. Adds a whole new dimension, don’t you think?






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