I’m really busy just now:
choosing poems to read at No Sleep at Bristo, the Poetry Marathon organised by Kevin Cadwallender, which will take https://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifplace in the Forest Café over the 11th and 12th August. I’ll be reading at 11 o’clock on Friday morning.
deciding which of the many poetry events I’ll be at in Edinburgh on 16th August. There are at least five happening (you’d think there was a festival on or something), but all I know is that I’ll be starting at Courtyard Readings which is hosted by Anne Connolly.
updating the Burnedthumb web-site and getting ready to check the proofs of my book. It’s really all happening now, and Wherever We Live Now will be launched at Blackwells Bookshop in Edinburgh on September 13th. It should be a brilliant night, as books by Anne Connolly and Marion Montgomery are being launched at the same time. Pictures later, as soon as we are organised!
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