
Website of poet Elizabeth Rimmer

Burnedthumb Goes to StAnza

StAnza is happening in St Andrews this year from 1-5 March, and I am lucky enough to be going from Thursday until the end. I have tickets for all sorts of good things, from spoken word, to discussions, to readings from the like of Alice Oswald and Kathleen Jamie. The themes this year are On the Road, and The Heights of Poetry, and there will be the usual heady mix of exhibitions, book launches, slams and open mic events and the poets’ market on Saturday. It’s a great opportunity to meet friends and make personal acquaintance with poets you’ve only met on Facebook, but this year, there’s an extra dimension to my being there.

I have the great pleasure and privilege of being this years blogger-in-residence. I’ll be writing about the events I’ve been to, the poets I’ve met, and the whole experience of participating in what I believe to be one of the very best poetry festivals on the planet. So if you see me in the Byre (I’ll be the one in the #derangedpoetess hoodie), come and talk!

You can find out more about StAnza, see what’s on the programme, and hopefully book tickets here:








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