
Website of poet Elizabeth Rimmer

Charms for the Healing of Grief

cover of book. Black paper with a white oval cutout the title Charms for the Healing of Grief in black type

This lovely thing just arrived. It is the booklet of the charm bracelet Hugh Bryden of Roncadora Press made

bracelet of tiny linked books with alternating black and white edged pages and red covers in a black box

There are seven charms, all Scottish emblems of healing – the owl, heather, daisy, pine, yarrow, oats and lark, and the charms are based on traditional healing traditions – except perhaps the owl. Often owls are seen as bad luck, but for purposes of my own – and because I like owls! – I have reinterpreted the call of a tawny owl as comforting, as in fact I find it.

It is illustrated by Hugh Bryden who designed the book, and it exists in a limited edition of 100.

picture of a yarrow head in white against an oval black background. Text runs For Grief that Pierces I am the bitter yarrow/my darkness is harsh against the tender/My power goes deep to mend/ what is brolen, to stanch the stream/ of loss, let life flow back.

I have some copies which I have added to the shop. They are £12, postage and packing free within the UK. Roncadora Press will have more, and I hope to have news of a launch soon.

blacl oval with a lark, wings outstretched in white. Text runs For grief that wakes with you.
Hear the laverock rise up/ in the morning. His song/is unvanquished, he pours/ joy like a fountain./ may it find your heart.





3 responses to “Charms for the Healing of Grief”

  1. Beth McDonough Avatar
    Beth McDonough

    That’s stunning. Truly wonderful.

  2. Helen Boden Avatar

    Agree with Beth!

    1. Elizabeth Avatar

      Thank you both!

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