
Website of poet Elizabeth Rimmer

Fundraiser Event in Aid of MacDiarmid’s Brownsbank

Logo of Red Squirrel Press, a squirrel in white against a read and black background

Biggar-based publisher Red Squirrel Press invites you to an afternoon of Red Squirrel Press poets and friends in aid of MacDiarmid’s Brownsbank.

Featuring some of the best-known names in poetry, WN (Bill) Herbert, Dundee Makar and Professor of Poetry, Sean O’Brien, multi award- winning poet and Emeritus Professor, Colin Will, writer, musician, former Scottish Poetry Library and StAnza International Poetry Festival Chair, award winning Biggar-based poet Lindsay Macgregor, Andrew Forster, highly-acclaimed poet and literature professional, including former Literary Development Officer for the Dumfries and Galloway Arts Association and myself, – reading new work, as well as some favourites from Haggards and The Well of the Moon.

This is a great line-up to be a part of!

It will take place on the 28th October at 4pm

in the Biggar and Upper Clydesdale Museum,

156 High St
Biggar, ML12 6DH

Tickets £6





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