This is my local ‘haggard’ where the nine haggard herbs in my own charm poem – elder, hawthorn, yarrow, clover, comfrey, dandelion, wild rose, plantain and bramble – live. Last year a conservation group added ragged robin (which has gone over) ox-eye daisies and those rich purple knapweeds. I’m not sure what I think about this, but I expect the haggard herbs will have the last word.
Anyway, the big news this week is that the manuscript of Haggards has gone to the publisher, and I’ll be talking about it more as we fix the date of publications, launch events and readings. Also a pamphlet I have been editing for Red Squirrel Press is now at the design stage, and I’ve done the first edit of the anthology for the Federation of Writers (Scotland).
So I’m away on my holidays for a few days. When I get back, there will be a bit more news of a couple of projects I’ve been involved in, and I’ll be cooking up something for the Herbs and Poetry group on Facebook. So have a good summer while I’m away, and watch this space!
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