
Website of poet Elizabeth Rimmer

Half a Hundred Herbs – Week 26 Lavender

lavender This plant is the highlight of the year as far as I am concerned. It’s got colour, scent and chutzpah. It’s good for cooking, perfume, medicine, and an insect repellant. Bees and butterflies love it, and it makes my heart sing. It’s all downhill after the lavender finishes —lavender fieldsI went a bit overboard when I visited these lavender fields two years ago, and now I have five varieties of lavender stoechasstoechas2a lavender dentata (rather tender and temperamental with a rather exciting camphor scent. It isn’t in flower now, otherwise it would be in this post), a white lavender, a pink one (who knew?) and a lot of this English variety – probably Munstead.

lavenderI can’t be sure because I grew the first lot from seed, and I’ve been randomly propagating ever since.lavender bags1 lavender and honey

These are pictures I took in Provence, at the market in Aix five years ago. We tried to follow the lavender trail in the Luberon, but got lost somehow and didn’t see a single stalk all day. I aspire to make lavender bags as beautiful as this!


The honey from those fields must be something really special!





This is the first lavender fom the garden this year. I’m  going to hang it in my study, to clear the air when I get bogged down in the poetry.







2 responses to “Half a Hundred Herbs – Week 26 Lavender”

  1. Bridget Khursheed Avatar

    Lovely photos – I can smell the field and lavender bags from here! Luckily it does last a good while in my garden and then you can enjoy drying it too.

    1. Elizabeth Avatar

      Thanks Bridget! Yes, I love having the bunches hanging about and then making sachets – I’ve even gone back to cross stitch.

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