
Website of poet Elizabeth Rimmer

High Tide on the Forth

All the rain earlier this week has soaked the ground and caused the river to burst its banks. This isn’t the worst it’s ever been by a long way, but look how deep the water is around those trees.

Life is fairly complicated right now. When you’re one of a large family and you marry into a large family, there’s always someone doing something interesting, from art exhibitions and gigs to picketing (we are all pro the Public Workers – and indeed I don’t know anyone who isn’t) or getting ill or needing help with stuff. But that’s why the blog has been quiet. It will probably be quiet again next week while I wrestle with the NHS and the grand-daughter’s Christmas shows – two of them, and she’s only four. There are some heavy-duty performing genes in this family!

Today, however, the sun is shining, the house is peaceful and the winter jasmine is in full glorious flower. And I may even write some poetry, once the kitchen is clean!






2 responses to “High Tide on the Forth”

  1. Foxglove Lane Avatar

    Ditto here I’m afraid, we seem to be in for a wet and windy Christmas:~)

  2. Elizabeth Rimmer Avatar

    Every time I look at a weather forecast, it seems to be raining in Ireland. I must say how much I am enjoying your blog, Foxglove Lane!

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