
Website of poet Elizabeth Rimmer

July garden pictures

The garden is full of sun today, so I thought I’d let you see how things are growing and flowering.
We started digging the early potatoes last week, but these need another week or two.

The sweet peas are just hitting their stride. I got the oldfashioned mix for their scent, but the colours are amazing too. At the end of the season I’ll be saving seeds for next year.

These cranesbill geraniums seed themselves all over the garden, but the bees love them.

The gallica roses are over so fast but the scent is rich and wild and heady. I love it.






3 responses to “July garden pictures”

  1. Susan Kruse Avatar

    Beautiful garden! My sweet peas really struggled this year and have yet to flower – but worth the wait, I love them so!

  2. Forest Dream Weaver Avatar

    Your garden looks very happy, productive and loved.Newly dug up potatoes are simply the best!

  3. Elizabeth Rimmer Avatar

    Thank you! I do indeed love it very much!

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