
Website of poet Elizabeth Rimmer

Last Post!

This will probably be my last post here, and quite likely my last post as burnedthumb. My web dev daughter and I have just launched my new website,


It will be rather different. Blog posts will be poetry news only and all the herbs, permaculture, geopoetics and activism will happen via newsletters –

Notes from the Hill of the Poets.

I have swithered a lot about the name for them, but I’ve finally settled on this. Where I live isn’t much of a hill in the grand scheme of things, but after nearly forty years at sea level, I’m feeling the difference. And where I live is higher than most places round here so I can look out from the end of of the street over the whole of the Clyde Valley. It gets a little higher, at Dechmont Hill, and there is a ruined castle. But more importantly, I am the seventh (at least) poet to live here, or to be inspired by this place. William of Gilbertfield, who translated Blind Harry’s The Life of William Wallace (which I’m sorry to say, inspired Braveheart), was cited by Robert Burns as an inspiration. The website Scotland’s Places cites another four lesser known poets, and a Twitter account, long since deleted, led me to a fifth. And Hugh McDiarmid stayed here for a very short time! So if you’re here for the gossip, the herbs or the general ranting, please subscribe to the newsletters – not too many, no marketing spam, no fees, and it’s easy to unsubscribe if you don’t like them.

This site will remain live until next August, when I will stop paying for the domain name, so if there was a post you liked or found useful, grab it while you can!

There will be a redirect to the new site, and new contact details.

See you there!






2 responses to “Last Post!”

  1. Dave Bonta Avatar

    I’m sorry there’s no RSS feed for your new website, so I suppose this is the last post of yours I’ll see. (My inbox is already brim-full of newsletters.) Thanks for all the great blogging about the things that inform your poetry. I’ve often included links in my weekly blog digests. Cheers.

    1. Elizabeth Avatar

      Thank you, Dave. No there isn’t RSS, but there won’t be much in the way of blogging either – I am just doing newsletters. I did a blog for nearly twenty years, so the website became very unwieldy by the end!The new one loads much quicker!

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