
Website of poet Elizabeth Rimmer

Melissa Officinalis


This is the link to the Poetica Botanica project I was involved in earlier this summer at Ledbury Poetry Festival. If you scroll down the page you will come to my poem, Melissa Officinalis, but also to a sound recording of me reading it, made during the festival. You can hear how long I have been in Scotland by the way I pronounce my ‘r’s, but the original scouse shows up in words like ‘lack’. I am very glad of this!

Thanks to  Ledbury Poetry Festival and Hellens Garden Festival, for including this fascinating project, and to Adam Horovitz who developed and led it.





One response to “Melissa Officinalis”

  1. […] Physic Garden edited by Adam Horowitz. Full of poems about herbs written as part of the Poetica Botanica project at the Ledbury Festival last […]

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