
Website of poet Elizabeth Rimmer


overlooking the village
overlooking the village

This photo was taken from Abbey Craig, the place from where Wallace’s army looked down at the English army crossing Stirling Bridge. I was looking south towards our village rather than west.

It’s a while since I last posted, and I’m only just getting the hang of this wordpress lark. I’ve begun adding links to other blogs, and I’ll be adding more as I go.

I’ve been out and about lately, looking after family – there’s a new grand-daughter to be excited about, and many poetry and geopoetical things brewing. I’ve been reviewing a bit lately, and shortly there will be several more – mostly on here, but in other places too. But this week I’ll be going with my friend Barbara to Geraldine Green’s Write to Roam workshop Geraldine is someone I first encountered via the Earthlines website, and is a poet and thinker with whom I feel a great connection.

I’m taking a little time out afterwards to get a bit deeper into my own poetry – the huldra-folk poems I began last year are expanding in new and fruitful directions, and I’m hoping for a lot from this break. See you all on the other side!






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