
Website of poet Elizabeth Rimmer

One Leaf, One Link

I’m posting a link to this post from 2008 (can’t believe I’ve been blogging so long!)

One Leaf, One Link

because earlier this year Jackie Proctor from PlusPerth, a local mental health charity, was in touch with me, saying that there was a plan to reprint One Leaf One Link an anthology to which I contributed my poem Walking on Water. For reasons to do with the way funding was given, it may not be possible for Plus to actually sell copies, so if you come across one, please make a donation to the work of this wonderful organisation.

And while I’m at it, I’d like to commend the Dundee-based organisation Art Angel, for the excellent work they do. Art isn’t therapy if it’s treated as a hobby or an afternoon out. But if the work and the artists are allowed their true value, it can be a voice and a lifeline. PlusPerth and Art Angel deserve all the support we can give them, and I’m away now to see how I can go about it.






2 responses to “One Leaf, One Link”

  1. Gordon Mason Avatar

    It was great to meet you yesterday in Callander, Elizabeth … and to acquire your new book! Going to take my time enjoying each poem.

    Here is the link to Forgotten Bookmarks that I mentioned when we were talking:

    There are some really odd bookmarks in books that have no association; and could lead to poems.

  2. Elizabeth Rimmer Avatar

    Thank you! It was lovely to meet you too, Gordon, and I have a couple of poems to send you.

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