
Website of poet Elizabeth Rimmer

Alan Lornax

  • round and round

    Yes I am working on the Lúcháir project, but it isn’t going very fast. I still have my head full of Saracens, and it’s hard to get focussed. So I have been going round my bookshelves picking things up and turning them over, and so far I have read
    Colour by Rose Tremain
    Medieval Lyrics ed RT Davies, who is still as annoying as I remember him from uni
    What I Loved by Siri Husdvedt which I’m sure I read once before, but can’t remember
    The Corfu Trilogy by Gerald Durrell (fun but repetitious)
    and I am in the middle of a book about the blues by Alan Lomax (which seems to have provided the entire plot for Honeydripper – a fine film btw) and The Love of a Good Woman by Alice Munro.
    It is all turning into a rich compost, but I have to say that it feels more like a new novel than poems and short stories, at least so far.

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