
Website of poet Elizabeth Rimmer

Christine McIver

  • The Journey – an Exhibition by Christine McIver

    My artist friend Christine McIver has an exhibition in the Dunblane Museum until the 29th May. It is called The Journey – Images of Migration and the picture here – which doesn’t do justice to the impact and haunting atmosphere of the actual painting – is called The Lost Boys.

    Like many of us Christine was deeply affected by the current migration crisis and the plight of refugees, made more poignant by the realisation that many of us in the Central Belt are descended from migrants ourselves, particularly from Ireland. As she worked in watercolours on rice paper, she says

    “the illustrative style of the work reflects the idea that migratory journeys are not confined to one generation but become part of our ancestral story.

    The people who are brave enough to make these journeys are the ancestors of our future civilisations.”

    I found the paintings beautiful, and intensely moving. I have loved Christine’s work for many years, but this exhibition seems like a new departure, and has an added depth and confidence. You can see more of Christine’s work here:

    All the artist’s proceeds of the exhibition will be shared between the Scottish Refugee Council and the Maryhill Integration Network, so that is an added reason to go and see it while it lasts.



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