
Website of poet Elizabeth Rimmer


  • The Post Book Fallow

    Every time I submit a manuscript, I resolve to keep going and not lose momentum while I the poems go through the proofing, editing, printing and turn into a book. I have sometimes written some new poems, often come up with new projects, planned translations and so on. But you can’t outrun it, so now I am embracing the fallow period.

    There are three more readings, one at StAnza, (and I can’t tell you how exciting that is!) and two in Glasgow which I will talk about later, because they aren’t until May. There are four editing jobs including Stravaig 6, which is going through the system just now, which will take me until at least the end of July. But new writing? I’m not sure.

    With Haggards, I seem to have come to the end of one particular cycle. There are scraps and loose ends, and a sense that new paths may be about to open up, but not yet. Though in one way, I served a long apprenticeship to poetry before I started, it was quite unconventional, and there are gaps in my knowledge and practice I want to fill, experiments to try – and so much reading to catch up with.

    Here is the first sample, books given to me for my birthday, some I bought with birthday book tokens, and a couple I treated myself to. I’m feeling rather lucky. As we dig in for the duration of this dramatic weather, I’ll be lighting fires, making soup, baking cakes with my grand-daughter who is having a snow day and frankly, having a ball.

    I’ll post some reviews as I go – the first being #Metoo – a magnificent anthology edited by the wonderful editor and original Emergency Poet, Deborah Alma, which is going to have a launch reading at StAnza on Thursday 8th March at 18:15. Look out for this next week!

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