
Website of poet Elizabeth Rimmer

Moniack Mohor

  • Moniack Mhor

    landscape looking to distant mountains. A cloud inversion fills the valley

    This was my view a week ago. It couldn’t have got more gorgeous if it had tried, though the starry night which preceded it tried very hard, and this photo definitely doesn’t do it justice. I was here, at Moniack Mhor a week ago, learning how to make coherent essays out of the least random of my blogposts, and let me tell you, it was wonderful. I met a wide range of interesting people, and had a lot of encouragement from two excellent tutors. Oddly and most unexpectedly, the consensus seems to be that when it comes to essay writing, I should be more poet. I love this, and have in fact printed this slogan out and put it over my desk.

    Herb garden with mint, chives, oregano and sage

    This is the herb garden, obviously my first port of call. Moniack Mhor has a vegetable garden and fruit trees as well, and they are saving up for a polytunnel, to improve their sustainability. It was a place in which I felt thoroughly at home, among lovely scenery, a place full of generous and thoughtful ethos, warm and kindly hospitality, and unlimited creativity. I have come home bursting with inspiration, and determination to realise the promises I made to myself.

    But first, I have an appeal to make. Last spring there was a flood, and 80% of the books in the poetry library were destroyed. They have started building up a replacement collection, but their finances are very stretched. Poets, publishers, poetry readers – if you could donate copies to this wonderful resource for writers, please do! It would be very gratefully appreciated!

    Please contact info@moniackmhor.org.uk for more information, or send to:

    Moniack Mhor
    Teavarran, Kiltarlity
    by Beauly, Inverness-shire,
    Scotland, IV4 7HT

    hobbit house, hay bale building with wooden porch and green roof

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