
Website of poet Elizabeth Rimmer


  • back from holiday

    I have been to Ireland and found my heritage, in terms of family history, culture, and some art forms I am surely going to incorporate into my work over the next few months. The weather was lovely, which was the first time you could say that since May, and we saw the Bru n-a Boinne and Tara, Glendalough, Cashel, Dublin,Kilkenny and Waterford. I can’t believe how much we packed in. There was music, history, landscape, some very kind and friendly people some good, and some very very bad food, a lovely cottage, and a pub session. Yes, I did sing. And if you push it, I’m going to do it again.
    The picture is by Paul Rimmer, and features the waterfall at Powerscourt, which is apparently the highest in the British Isles.

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