
Website of poet Elizabeth Rimmer

Signs of the Times

  • Older Books

    book cover
    Wherever We Live Now 2011
    book cover
    The Territory of Rain 2015
    book cover
    Signs of the Times 2017

    All of these books have reached the point where the publisher no longer holds any copies. However, I still have some, so if you want them you can still get them from me via the shop. (You can find poems from them on my poetry page, if you would like to try a sampler.) Wherever We Live Now and The Territory of Rain are still on the database at shops like Waterstones and Foyles, but any requests would still have to come to me, so why not approach me directly, and get signed copies? I don’t charge for postage and packing within the UK, and though the shop runs on PayPal, I can accept other methods of payment if you email me via the contact form.

    You can still get Haggards from the new Red Squirrel Press website.

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