
Website of poet Elizabeth Rimmer

The Garden in June

I was supposed to be weeding the roses this morning, but somehow I kept finding more interesting things to do. Like staking the pumpkin so I could make the most of this flower:

or sowing some crocus seeds I found under the rowan tree,

noticing how the furry leaves of this mullein trap the dew,

watching bumblebees on the thyme flowers

or discovering plants I thought I’d lost, thriving somewhere unexpected. So far I’ve found two sorts of campanula, tansy, sweet violets and lily of the valley, as well as this lovely welsh poppy.

And, of course, listening to the song of the
skylark. I think they must be out in the fields that surround the village, but it sounds as if they were overhead, pouring their songs into my garden.






One response to “The Garden in June”

  1. Crafty Green Poet Avatar

    oh hearing skylarks as you garden, how amazing, one of the most beautiful sounds of summer

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