
Website of poet Elizabeth Rimmer

walking the territory

It was cold this morning! And damp.I went for a walk along the road out of the village, remembering the camera for once. This is what you see as you leave the houses behind.

This week I’ve been re-vamping the Lúcháir website. It’s a big process, giving the whole thing a fresher look – more colours, more space and a lighter feel – and a better focus. The process will include small tweaks to this blog, too, now that it covers both the sites.

As part of the process I wanted to get some photos of the soft rush (the original luachair which inspired me). Here’s one.

I got quite carried away.

I love this willow. There is a small burn over there where some people claim to have seen kingfishers. I never have.

And this is one of the views that sold our new house to me when we first saw it, nearly thirty years ago.






3 responses to “walking the territory”

  1. Crafty Green Poet Avatar

    Lovely photos, Elizabeth! Rushes are wonderful plants. As for kingfishers, I think seeing them is all about luck.

  2. Elizabeth Rimmer Avatar

    It certainly is – and quick reflexes, too, because they move so fast!

  3. Susan Kruse Avatar

    These are lovely images. I love the soft mistiness and the tweedy colours. Very lovely place to be I should think…

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