
Website of poet Elizabeth Rimmer



My poems have appeared in Poetry Scotland, Stravaig, Northwords Now, Brittle StarGutter, Eildon Tree and Southlight, and on-line in And Other Poems  and Zoomorphic.

I have been included in the following anthologies:

Double Bill edited by Andy Jackson Red Squirrel Press 2014

Umbrellas of Edinburgh edited by Claire Askew and Russell Jones Freight Books 2016

Soundwaves: Writing from the Federation of Writers (Scotland) edited by Etta Dunn New Voices Press 2016

Brig and Rock Declaimers edited by Paraig MacNeil on Kindle 2017

The Physic Garden edited by Adam Horowitz Palewell Press 2017

Signs of the Times edited by Sally Evans Burgh Poets 2017

Full Collections

Wherever We Live Now (2011) Red Squirrel Press

The Territory of Rain (2015) Red Squirrel Press

Haggards (2018) Red Squirrel Press

I have just finished writing my fourth collection, The Well of the Moon – poems considering the kinds of knowledge it takes to make up our sense of ourselves as ‘a person’. They deal with connections to place and family, different ways of perceiving the world and creative expressions, loss, aging and renewal. It will come out in June 2021, published by Red Squirrel Press.


Reviews have appeared in Northwords Now,  The Scottish Review of Books, and Sabotage Reviews


Articles on Christian mysticism have appeared in The Chapter, Spirituality and The Merton Journal. In 2007 I completed a translation and commentary on the medieval work, The Cloud of Unknowing.

You can find pdf. downloads of them here


2016  Angela Topping Five Petals of Elderflower (Red Squirrel Press)

2017 Federation of Writers (Scotland) Landfall: An Anthology of New Writing 2017 (New Voices Press

2017 Matt McDonald Petrichor (to be published by Red Squirrel Press in 2018)

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