
Website of poet Elizabeth Rimmer

Go Little Book


What a weekend! It was a cold day, but lots of wonderful people came to The Scottish Poetry Library for the launch of Haggards. My brother came from Preston, all my family left their usual Saturday things, friends from Perth and Cupar Angus, poets and geopoeticians.

Sheila Wakefield

Sheila Wakefield said some very kind things, and I read a lot of poems. I love to do this, and it made my day when people said they liked it – reading aloud where other people can hear me is a hard-won skill.


We ate almost all the cookies, and people bought books, and we all went to the Serenity Cafe next door for tea and cake.

Now the book is out there in the world, and you can buy it from the Red Squirrel Press website, or from the new shop on here – postage is free to the UK. It costs £10.

Thank you to Sheila Wakefield, my publisher, to Gerry Cambridge who designed the cover, which everyone loves so much, to everyone who came, to those who bought books, to those who shared the event on social media – I’m overwhelmed by the kindness people have shown me – and those who have posted supportive comments since.








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